Clan Pitblado History
Pitblado, or Pitbladdo, is a name that comes from the lands of Pitbladdo, in the Parish of Cupar, in Fife.
In 1478, John Petblatho is recorded, and in 1505, Peter Pitblado of that Ilk was on an inquest on the lands of Hough and Pitconnochy in Fife.
James Pitblawds (Pitblawdo) was witness, in 1517, to a charter in Crail, in the East Neuk of Fife.
In 1520, Peter Petblatho of that Ilk was a juror on an assize at Cupar, and in Dundee, in 1552, Peter Potblade was charged with helping the English.
In 1618, the heir of Andro Pitblado de eodem is recorded as being James Pitblado, and in 1633, perhaps the same person, James Pitblado was a messanger in Kirkcaldy.
A Laurence Pitblado is recorded to have died in Stirling in 1938.
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